With the soft melodic sounds of nature all around us, it was cool as we searched the farm for the perfect starting place to showcase Mr. N and his handsome smile. Being that is was just before sunset, and Mr. N's bed time, he was amazing to put up with me and my camera! Mr. N's momma won the
Holiday Mini Session I gave away at the
Mommy Swagger Expo back in August. S, I am so glad that you won this session! You have an incredible young man and I had a great time getting to know you both. Thank you for driving out to see me and the privilege of photographing your sweet boy!
I just love this first image...and french fries!
There is nothing like a little motivation to make a session run smoothly. It happens every session especially when there are little ones involved. For this handsome little man it was french fries! Who can resist their warm crunchy saltiness!?

1 comment:
Great shots Kari! Looking forward to seeing the rest of them. PS - I love the french fries one too. :)
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